Photoshop is one of Adobe’s many amazing products. Because of its depth and scope, it has become the universal photo manipulation program. It can be used to create dazzling pieces of beauty and touch up photographs, but it is also used for what I believe are evil purposes. Many magazines use Photoshop to drastically alter images of their models so that the ‘perfect’ body can be seen on the cover, wearing the products the magazine advertises.
I think that the Photoshopped images are revolting. Although they may at first seem to be beautiful, upon closer inspection one realizes that the perfect skin, the perfect teeth, the perfect makeup, the perfect figure – it’s all fake. Everything has been altered with help from the liquefy tool.
There are many horrible images out there in which the person on the cover’s appearance has been altered so much that he or she no longer looks like what she or he does normally. The picture of the model for Ralph Lauren is especially disturbing. The image of an already slim and attractive woman was taken and turned into something that, based on its physical characteristics, can no longer be considered human. Perhaps what is most shocking about this image is that it is extremely obvious that it was Photoshopped. Photoshop, like makeup, was originally invented to subtly make someone look better, not to change his or her entire appearance.
This site shows a few of the greatest Photoshop blunders.
I once saw a picture on this site where the woman's waist was as thick as her arm ! Photoshop Disasters is an apt title.
It does bother me a lot that companies often over-edit their models because I know that many insecure people compare themselves to what they see in magazines. And it is extremely unfair to make people feel bad, or even guilty over the way that they look, despite the ‘perfect’ look being something that is physically impossible without starving oneself.
I think that this trend of real models will become more prevalent, however, I doubt that the media will change its ways quickly. The media has spent more than a century slowly losing its integrity, and it will take a long time to recover. I am especially concerned about the people whose self-esteem have been damaged by these images, and will be scarred psychologically for many years to come.
Something that we often forget is that magazines are not only for women with a seventeen-inch waist, they’re supposed to advertise clothes for everyone, so different ages, races, and body types need to be shown.
I am very happy when I see non-glammed magazines. Although the models in those photos may not be breathtaking, they’re real, and I find that a very comfortable thought.
Photoshop is an amazing, as well as fun, tool to use for our own entertainment. I completely agree that using it to drastically change an already healthy and beautiful woman for promoting the company is wrong. I like your insight about how the media loses its integrity every time it over-edits images for its own gain. As you also mentioned, I feel that it is significant that there are models that may not be glamorous, but real.
That's so weird... If someone really DID walk around with their waist as thick as their arm, would they be admired or ostracized?
But you're right. The media has been deteriorating and losing its integrity. It'll take a while before the media turns to normal, but we're taking baby steps...
Hey DePompa! :)
After reading your blog post I completely back you up with the fact that people should be loved for whom they are. Many times in our lives we often have idols, or even in simpler terms, people we look up to. In several magazine ads, whether we're a boy or a girl, we would most likely say or think to ourselves, "Why does this gorgeous woman have no freckles while I have plenty to go around!" "How do they get six pack abs like that?" And the list goes on and on.
Again, when you said, "I think that this trend will become more prevalent, however, I doubt that the media will change its ways quickly" in my opinion, this is a very good fact. It is hard to change someone's mind up about society's images when we're constantly bombarded with media that suggest the complete opposite.
I agree with everything that you have posted in your blog. People should feel loved no matter what colour, shape or form they come in. I mean, God made us like this for a reason, right? Photoshop...it ruins it.
And another thing, wouldn't it be offending if someone started playing with how you look on Photoshop? I mean, aren't they basically telling you that you're not good enough?
Alex, i personally believe everything you've just said. I mean people nowadays should feel confident about their true looks. Because doesn't matter how you look you have your own UNIQUE look and thats what matters only. I truly agree that photoshop is definitely not needed to make someone look better, I mean they're not even making the person look better, they're making the person look uglier to tell the truth, photoshopped humans are not even humans they're creatures. If your photoshopped you are not what is called the correct look. I agree 100% with you Alex. People nowadays should take a second look and prevent the risk of getting photoshopped. Stay true, and accept the way you look because it's the only way to feel the best about yourself. Keep up the good work Alex! :)
Wow Alex, haha, your picture was a very accurate depiction of what's seen in the media today. Especially with the Ralph Lauren ad, it's obvious that the media has gone too far in manipulating photos. I'm glad it was a photoshopped picture at least -- a real person would have to be in a severe medical condition in order for their waist to be of that size! You're right, it would be highly unlikely for the use of natural, un-photoshopped pictures to stay trendy. As of now, it's still considerably fresh enough for people to admire it, but after a while, we'll slip back into our old ways and admire the flawless faces we see in magazines, in spite of the fact that they're artificial. I guess as humans, we always need something greater for us to aim at achieving, and as wrong as it is, these 'perfect' models are something that we can aspire to.
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